Tuesday, July 7, 2009

First Order of Business (Quotes)

I've been hearing and reading some great things that I feel need to be quoted. So here's just a few...

"Thou shalt not covet!"
"Luke, that's great, but do you know what it means?"
"Miss Ina says we can't get the other kids things out of their cubbies, thou shalt not covet!"
-Luke and Mom

"The worst thing happened to you that can happen to any fighter, you got civilized"
-Mickey (Rocky) -McManus (Barbarian Way)

"Experience: that most brutal of teachers. But you learn, my God you learn"
-CS Lewis

"The previous person didn't flush, and I think I splashed some of theirs on me."
-YP Friend of Mine

1 comment:

  1. "Dad, mom forgot to pick up the house before she left for work this morning."
    -Giggles (Luke)
